DD 60_v2 changelog

Note: Overwrite files in an existing folder to keep progression and options from DD60 version


Vehicles will no longer fail to gain traction after coming to a stop on a slope
Tanks are no longer affected by gravity when stationary on slopes 
Tanks accelerate more gradually, taking 4/5 seconds to reach max speed
Fixed vehicles slowing down if pressing forward while accelerated past their nominal max speed by gravity
Flamer now fires with the fire coax button
Flamer will now leave scorch marks instead of bulletholes and has new particles for impacting targets
Drastically increased flamer RoF to make it more stream-like
Treads and wheel won't move when the player is breaking
Misc particle fixes
Added a button to read the mission's briefing in the pause menu
Fixed railgun being misaligned with aimer and crosshair
Added trajectory trail to 90mm cannon
Tweaked cosmetic tilting when turning so that it happens at much lower speed
Swapped first person aimer to a circle sprite (like the third person one)
Swapped first person crosshair to a less intrusive semi-transparent cross
Slightly reduced enemy numbers in mission 4


TANKGAME_DD60_V2(Linux).7z 84 MB
44 days ago
TANKGAME_DD60_V2(Win).7z 87 MB
44 days ago


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